Saturday, June 21, 2014


I know what I said. I said that I'd write about my experience living independently and well, we'd have to wait for it for a week since I'd only get my hands on a Personal Computer on weekends so I figured I'd write another article. I don't know what about, I'll think of it along the way:)

     I could remember how your sweet voice filled my ears with that harmonious voice. It was noon, at the USJ-R Main college canteen. I was waiting for my order when you came along and asked me, "Di ba drumcore man ka?" and with a shaky voice I replied, "yes". She turned to the tender and I walked away with a sweet grin on my face. I could still remember that day like it was yesterday and I wished I had the courage to walk up to you carry on with a little chit-chat to break the ice. And Today, Seems like puberty did a darn good job with you. That jaw dropping smile, a heart melting voice and personality with enough character and charisma to leave you shaking with awe and admiration. 

Lately, these past days. I've been desperately searching for people who could possibly get me in touch with her (Yes, You've read it right. I am "DESPERATE"). If given the chance, I'd take her out to dinner, watch movies and just have one hell of a time together and the best part? My Treat, I'll take care of the transportation, the restaurant, the movie, I guess it's pretty safe to say that I'm gonna have the whole evening pretty much planned out unless, you have other plans of enjoying the evening then it would be my pleasure to enjoy the night with you. I know you're out of my league but it's worth a try, if it backfires on me, it's gonna hurt but atleast she gave me a fighting chance:) 

     Some of my good friends know who she is. So, I won't mention a name for now. but as this message goes, should you be able to read this article. Please, just please write me an email @ sleeplessneanderthal@yahoo/ I hope to GOD that you could still remember our second long conversation, even though it was already a few years past.

Well, School just started.
And this year, I'm actually excited. Each day brings me closer to my dream of flying across miles and miles of sea and land while taking people places.
For the last three years, I travel an average round trip of 40 kilometers to get to school and back which is located in the City of Lapu-Lapu, and it'd take me around 45 minutes to drive from Point A to Point B on an average day, and around 30 minutes more less on exam days (30 - 45 mins. on a motorcycle and 45 to 1 hr and 30 mins on an automobile though I only use my car during rainy days and on special occasions). So yeah, that was my life. But this year's gonna be different. After years and years of butt kissing and grinding it out, Mom and Dad finally said yes. I could live in a boarding house about 2 kilometers away from IAU which only takes me about 5 - 10 minutes of driving (I can finally take my time driving to school). I just wish I could bring a laptop with me though and a wireless router wouldn't hurt either. I could carry on blogging from there:)

Anyways, I'll stop here.
On the next blog, I'll talk about my experience on my first days
living independently.